
Blog – Entries tagged as Sindelar

July 20, 2018 Stefan Willerstorfer Stefan Willerstorfer Acorde, Acorde in Use, Austria, Carinthia, Editorial Design, Helga Innerhofer, Journal, Magazine, Magazine Design, Market Town, Moosburg, Muntermacher, Sindelar, Sindelar in Use, Wojciech Czaja

Muntermacher is entirely set in our type families

Muntermacher, that’s what the quarterly journal of the market town of Moosburg in Carinthia (Austria) is called. A Muntermacher is a person or substance that wakes you up. And yes, it does. Great to see a journal from a small market town offering information to its inhabitants in such visual quality.

The magazine was conceived by Austrian architect and journalist Wojciech Czaja and by Austrian graphic designer Helga Innerhofer. As a foundry we are especially proud of this feature: The journal is entirely set in our type families Acorde and Sindelar which complement each other perfectly well.

Two covers of the quarterly journal Muntermacher. Various impressions of Muntermacher which perfectly show Acorde’s and Sindelar’s excellence.
May 15, 2018 Stefan Willerstorfer Stefan Willerstorfer Acorde, Andreas Pawlik, Austria, Book, Catalogue, Exhibition, Martin Tiefenthaler, Niggli, Salenstein, Sindelar, Subtext: Typedesign, Switzerland, tga, Type Design, Typographic Society Austria, Typographische Gesellschaft Austria, Vienna

Exhibition book Subtext: Typedesign is now available

You want to know more about the thriving Austrian type design scene? In case you missed the popular type design exhibition, Subtext: Typedesign, which took place in Vienna in April and May 2017: The book accompanying the exhibition is now available for purchase at the renowned Swiss publishing house Niggli. It introduces and documents the designs of more than 50 designers and foundries working locally and worldwide and presents more than 450 pages of recent Austrian type designs.

Cover of the exhibition book Subtext: Typedesign. Double page spread showing a focused Stefan Willerstorfer at work.

As one of Austria’s leading foundries our work is showcased in the book in great detail. The typefaces in the book are not only shown as specimens but also in real use. In addition, the book contains a comprehensive text section in which well-known authors from various cultures and academic disciplines explore their relationships to type design. Definitely worth a read!

Double page spread presenting all 14 styles of Acorde. Double page spread showcasing Acorde in use. Double page spread presenting all 18 styles of Sindelar. Double page spread showcasing Sindelar in use.
March 16, 2018 Stefan Willerstorfer Stefan Willerstorfer Award, DDC, DDC Award, Deutscher Designer Club, Excellent Arts, Frankfurt, German Designer Club, Germany, Good Design, Gute Gestaltung, Sindelar

Sindelar is part of Design Next Generation

Design Next Generation – That’s the title of the book presenting all winning entries of DDC’s renowned design competition Gute Gestaltung (Good Design). You may have noticed that we were honoured by winning a DDC Award for Sindelar in the Excellent Arts category. Sindelar is showcased in the book on a double page spread next to other outstanding projects. The book presents excellent designs on more than 430 pages and is published in German and English.

Cover of Design Next Generation, showing all winners of DDC’s design competition. Sindelar succeeded in the category Excellent Arts.
January 23, 2018 Stefan Willerstorfer Stefan Willerstorfer Editorial Design, Frankfurt, Germany, Hamburg, Jan Famira, Newspaper, Newspaper Design, Protestant Church, Sindelar, Sindelar in Use

Evangelisches Frankfurt is now typeset in Sindelar

It is always great to see when one of our typefaces perfectly contributes to a great work of design. With this newspaper that’s really the case: Evangelisches Frankfurt is the newspaper of the Protestant Church in Frankfurt. It was designed by German newspaper designer Jan Famira.

The newspaper gets published five times a year and is sent to all Protestants living in Frankfurt free of charge. It seems the newspaper’s new design has easily convinced the audience as the post by a regular reader suggests: »The new design is really well done, very beautiful, appealing, and lively. Thanks a lot for that!« As a foundry we obviously believe that Sindelar, the newspaper’s new text face, plays a major role in this respect.

Recent covers of the newspaper of the Protestant Church in Frankfurt. Sindelar’s great legibility qualities can been seen throughout the newspaper.
November 21, 2017 Stefan Willerstorfer Stefan Willerstorfer Austria, Editorial Design, Culture, Gernot Winter, History, Magazine, Magazine Design, Sindelar, Sindelar in Use, Verlag Wirl, Vienna

Kulturgeschichten Wien relies on Sindelar

As Viennese as it gets: Kulturgeschichten Wien is a quarterly magazine about Vienna with a specific thematic focus in every issue. The magazine’s first issue is dedicated to former Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I. whose death was commemorated for the 100th time in 2016.

The magazine is written, designed, typeset, and printed in Vienna. Even the main typeface is Viennese: The whole body text is typeset in Sindelar.

Cover of the first issue of Kulturgeschichten Wien. Various impressions of Kulturgeschichten Wien, designed by Gernot Winter.
October 24, 2017 Stefan Willerstorfer Stefan Willerstorfer Agriculture, Andrea Neuwirth, Austria, Austrian Federal Ministry, Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Editorial Design, Journal, Sindelar, Sindelar in Use, Vienna

Netzwerk Zukunftsraum Land is typeset in Sindelar

Another great example of Sindelar in use: Netzwerk Zukunftsraum Land is a journal for rural development published quarterly by the association of the same name. The association was installed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management and acts on behalf of the Ministry.

Sindelar is used throughout the journal for body text as well as for headlines and subheadings in combination with a constructed sans serif typeface.

Cover of Netzwerk Zukunftsraum Land, set in Sindelar. Various impressions of Netzwerk Zukunftsraum Land, designed by Andrea Neuwirth.