Blog – Entries tagged as Rebrand
Our design talk on the Loacker redesign was a great success
Our design talk on the redesign of the well-known Loacker brand at Vienna’s Designforum (MQ) on 27 April was a great success. Christoph Aichner, Loacker’s design manager, spoke about the company’s rich history and the strategic reasons for the redesign process. He also mentioned the great popularity of the company’s products in the Middle East, the US, and Asia.

I had the pleasure of explaining the exciting process of refining and harmonising the logotype and improving its recognisability down to the smallest detail. The presentations were followed by a lively discussion with Roby Attisano, Christian Thomas, and the audience.

As a special treat, each participant received some samples of Loacker’s famous delicious wafers. Yum!

Upcoming lecture in April: Redesigning the famous Loacker brand
Save the date: On 27 April, Roby Attisano and I will be joined by Loacker’s design manager Christoph Aichner to talk about the process of redesigning the famous Loacker brand. The lecture starts at 6:30 pm in Vienna’s Designforum (MQ).

“How can the revision of a famous logotype meet today’s requirements without losing the brand-giving originality? How can the originality even be uncovered and strengthened? And how can we succeed in convincing the client of this courageous step?
The redesign of the well-known Loacker brand is a wonderful example of how the clear and consistent further development of a design idea can lead to an even more convincing result. In their conversation with Loacker, designers Stefan Willerstorfer and Roby Attisano provide exciting and motivating insights into the design process and the successful collaboration with Loacker.”
Redesign of the world famous Loacker brand
As you know, we care about details. How much details matter can easily be seen in our redesign of the world famous Loacker brand, a leading producer of wafers and chocolate products. While the old logotype had a lot of character, charm, individuality, and robustness there was still room for improvement.

The redesign process was focused on keeping the logotype’s striking, original qualities and resolving its formal and technical weaknesses at the same time. Our work resulted in a logotype that is better suitable for all applications in print and on screen.

There are no more formal inconsistencies and technical deficiencies within the new logotype. Letter combinations which used to be too tight were loosened, making the overall spacing between letters more consistent. The shapes of the letters are now better related and the logotype’s overall colour is more even. All these corrections result in a perfectly balanced and rhythmic appearance.

Convince yourself and see how the logotype has improved on various levels. All corrections were made with the requirements of modern packaging and communication in mind. The redesigned logotype proves to be more legible on paper and on screen – especially in small sizes. It was introduced in 2021 and is applied on the packaging and in other applications within the Heritage Shield (a combination of the redesigned logotype and an illustration of the South Tyrolean mountain Schlern).

The new packaging (also introduced in 2021) as well as the Heritage Shield were designed by the Torinese agency, Spider. The logotype’s typographic redesign was carried out in close collaboration with Roby Attisano (Desein, Bolzano). We really enjoyed the great teamwork!

Have you tried Loacker wafers, yet? You should! As you might know, Loacker has been producing wafers and chocolate specialties in South Tyrol (northern Italy) for almost 100 years now. They really know how to do it. Yum yum!